The backbone of all cryptocurrencies is simply code. Lines of computer language, giving instructions to a machine to execute a action. Just as words need to be arranged by an author to make a story. Code needs to be compiled in a way to reflect the ideas of someone or team of people.
But just as a committee of writers, could never hope to write a play better than Shakespeare. Who was widely regarded as the greatest writer in the English language and the world’s greatest dramatist.
How can a group of developers, of varying ages and different backgrounds. Dotted all across the world. Hope to create a superior crypto product, than a single highly focused and inspired individual?
Too many Cooks, fuck up your Dinner.
Too many Chiefs, weakens the clan. Not strengthens it.
Why would a principle so clearly evident in the “real” world, not apply to a crypto project.
It’s just ideas, and the implementation of those ideas through language.
I’ve head the word decentralization, more times than I care to menton. The idea of it, was hugely attractive to me a few years back. Someone. Who understood the mechanics of the legacy financial markets. And could spot the collusion, and cartel esque rigging of trades and misinformation spread through the popular press.
It made my blood boil then. As it does now. We are seeing the fallout of the Robinhood Traders, being screwed over. Which I hope could be another nail in the coffin for that old paper chasing game. Maybe a transformational moment which could trigger capital being drained from Brokerage accounts! Wall St is only influential, because that’s the main casino in town — where all the gamblers go to play. If the Players find out the dice are weighted, they will soon stop lining up to throw them.
I have an Anarchist streak to me, and Bitcoin in the early years was the avenue through which to express it, voting with your hard earned dollars. Draining your economic energy from the “system” and entrusting it to Satoshi.
Decentralization for me, meant taking a sledgehammer to the banks. And the bankers Ferrari’s. I wanted them to feel some pain. For reals!
I wasn’t part of the early cypherpunk movement. Even though, I had heard of Bitcoin early on. There was literally no feasible way, I could see how to buy it. I gave it a look, I thought it was cool & I wanted to buy it… but grew frustrated by how hard, it was to get some coins.
I gave up, and got back to living my life. Remember this was 2011. I think I had a 3G flip phone, and a crappy old laptop… certainly nothing that could possible run the blockchain on to mine. However, I do remember actually trying to download the Bitcoin software. I recall clicking the exe button and watching all this geeky stuff going on my computer, and seeing that after an hour hardly any progress had been made, except a lot of weird noises coming out of my Hard drive. So I let it run all night, and figured it would be done by the morning after I wake up. Nope, it was still churning away. I then left for work with the laptop still running. Having downloaded music on dialup, back in the 90’s. I was used to new technology, bumping up against the ceiling of the available computing/network power. I figured, I would it let run all day whilst at work. Surely it would be done when I got back home, later that afternoon.
Again, not only had the bitcoin client not fully synced up to the blockchain. But my poor laptop, was taking a pummeling like Mike Tyson used to dish out to his opponents back in the 80’s. It was screaming out in agony. So I abandoned my Bitcoin experiment, and got on with my life.
Fast forward to 2016. I was watching Joe Rogan interview Andreas Antonopoulos talking about, what do you know it, my old friend Mr. Bitcoin.
I thought wow? That thing ain’t dead, it’s still around? After all these years. Well Andreas, if you never seen him speak. Is super intelligent, and has a captivating way of explaining ideas, and his words got me fired up again. At the time my life was pretty full, work was time and energy consuming, and I was leading a full life outside of work. But over the course of the next 6 months. I consumed a ton of content about Bitcoin and Blockchain. Till I finally had enough money to buy some in early 2017. Talk about changing my life. I had hopped aboard the wildest financial ride ever.
I’ve traded stock options, and FX before. So I was used to hitting jackpots overnight, and also blowing up small futures accounts (don’t ever go down those two paths!). But Crypto was a completely different beast altogether. The 24/7 nature was exciting, but emotionally draining. And the FUD and FOMO only amplified it!
By the time HEX launched in December 2019, I felt like I had aged a decade. It had been that much of a rollercoaster. I wasn’t ready to quit. But knew I didn’t want to keep this up for many more years. Crypto, had better start delivering on its promises. Decentralization, a fairer financial world for everyone. Not just the same old gang.
A decade is good chunk of anyone's life. But in Technology, it’s a lifetime. And the adoption and development seemed to be going sideways. There was a risk, that the bankers had managed to put the genie back in the bottle. By putting downside pressure on the Bitcoin price. And keeping the players playing at their roulette table, by pushing equities ever higher with ever increasing amounts of FIAT. The very thing, that Satoshi had aimed to counteract!
The funny thing with code tied to a time based network. As in a blockchain. It keeps ploughing ahead relentlessly. Kind of like a beating Heart. It keeps on working day and night. And it will take decades of abuse and punishment along the way.
I firmly believe HEX, will also keep ploughing ahead making, new all time highs, every few months. Regardless what obstacles seem to be lying in it’s wait. HEX was supposed to be dead on arrival. People would never lock up their money into a time based contract. It was told by many naysayers.
But when you code a financial product to reward savers. And time keeps passing by enriching it’s users along the way for trusting the code. A point is reached when. The code stands up by itself. And the marketplace will decide who has encoded their software the best.
A meal devised and brought to life by a Michelin starred Chef.
The home cook with a poorly written recipe.
Balla Ji